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Warszawa - praca dla junior Linux Admina

Zaczęty przez Thommmas, Marzec 22, 2018, 03:17:11 PM

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek


Witam Panowie,

Jest bardzo fajna okazja wpaść w temat BigData, rozwiązania chmurowe, DevOps - wszystko oparte o dobrego Linux admina z niedużym doświadczeniem, firma zapewnia szkolenia i rozwój.
Zainteresowanych proszę o pilny kontakt pod tomekarforce@o2.pl

Opis pozycji poniżej

This role is an excellent opportunity for skilled Linux admins who would like to work with cutting-edge technologies and learn all there is about DevOps and Big Data. We will invest time and resources to deliver customized trainings to enable your professional growth.

Job description:
•   Full time job, permanent job contract.
•   Provide support to projects developing new platforms & applications or changes to existing applications.
•   Large scale deployments, automation and configuration management.
•   Technology explorations, research & development, deep investigations & trouble-shooting.
•   Provide consultancy for ongoing projects. Qualifications
•   BSc/ MSc degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or equivalent.   
•   Excellent Linux skills
•   Eagerness to learn and gain experience with the following platforms: Hadoop – Hortonworks, Cloudera, Mapr (HDFS, Hive, YARN, HBase, Spark, Flume etc), Vertica, MySQL, XtraDB, Cassandra, PostgreSQL and similar.
•   Aware of public cloud platform concepts – AWS and Azure
•   Networking concepts understanding
•   Backup/Recovery, Data Replication and Disaster Failover concepts and implementations.
•   Solid problem solving and analytical skills.
•   Strong English language skills.
•   Strong interpersonal skills.
•   Autonomous, strong ownership and drive to get things done.
•   Eagerness to learn and adaptability to changes.

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