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Dodanie edytora pulsar następcy atom

Zaczęty przez linux4ever, Sierpień 16, 2024, 06:27:31 PM

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek




CytatPulsar, or sometimes referred to as Pulsar-Edit is a new image of the beloved 'Hackable Text Editor' Atom.

After the announcement of Atom's sunset, the community came together to keep Atom alive via the longstanding fork Atom-Community.

However, due to differences in long-term goals for the editor, a new version was born: Pulsar.

Pulsar aims to not only reach feature parity with the original Atom, but to bring Pulsar into the 21st century by updating the underlying architecture, and supporting modern features.

With many new features on the roadmap, once Pulsar is stable, it will be a true, Community-Based, Hackable, Text Editor.
"Powiedz mi, a zapomnę, pokaż mi, a zapamiętam, pozwól mi zrobić, a zrozumiem. "-Konfucjusz

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