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Invitation to eBPF & Observability focused meetup | May 24, Warsaw 🐝

Zaczęty przez Alesya, Maj 16, 2024, 09:26:34 AM

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek


Hello guys! Maybe it's not the perfect place for posting, but I'd like to invite you to an exciting ePBF & Observability meetup on May 24th in Warsaw ⚡️

We'll dive into comprehensive understanding of eBPF technology, eBPF-based solutions and their practical applications.

❗ Please register to attend in person: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWNLEFILR79Snmjkiv6n_Ik1QH7BL2AWBw7E-8eISAvFKg2A/viewform

🐝 Details on TechSpot website https: https://techspot.onthespotdev.com/ebpf-focused


18.30 – eBPF-based, Kubernetes-native: observability and security with Tetragon with Anna Kapuścińska, Site Reliability Engineer at Isovalent

19:30 – eBPF loader deep dive with Dylan Reimerink, Staff Software Engineer at Isovalent

You're more than welcome to come and invite your friends!

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