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Zaczęty przez foreigner, Styczeń 23, 2013, 12:21:06 PM

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek


Greetings to the whole SparkyLinux community.

I am a new user: I downloaded and installed SparkyLinux Main Edition yesterday, and I'll try also the Ultra Edition as soon as possible, in another partition.

I think that this distribution is an excellent solution for old computers, like mine.

Congratulations to the developers: they have done a very good job.

I know that this forum is in Polish, but I am Italian and unfortunately I do not know your language. Could I send my posts even if they are written in English?

May I start posting a few questions? ;)

1) As this is a rolling distribution, the command to perform an update is "apt-get dist-upgrade". Is it right?

2) With other distros Debian based, I am used to update using the console out of X (not using the terminal emulator in the graphical environment). I tried with SparkyLinux, pressing Ctrl + Alt + F1 before launching the graphical session, but after entering in the console my username and password SparkyLinux launched the graphical environment. Is it possible with SparkyLinux work with the console, out of X?

3) This question may seem stupid: I was not able to find the button to turn off the PC, and I had to open LXTerminal and give the command "shutdown -h now". Please, where are the "shutdown" and the "reboot" buttons?

Thanks for your help.


Hi foreigner

Thank's for joined our small community.

1. Yes - "apt-get dist-upgrade" makes all the job well.

2. Ctrl + Alt + F1/2/3/4/5/6 should work - I will check again. Just let me know what release ? main 32, main 64 or ultra.

3. I think you can't find it at ultra edition RC. The final version of it will have the option, I added it now.

There are some basic questions and answeres at FAQ page in English:

http://sparkylinux.org/faq/" class="bbcode_url">http://sparkylinux.org/faq/


Czasami lepiej trzymać usta zamknięte i być traktowany jak idiota, niż je otworzyć i rozwiać wszelkie wątpliwości. Mark Twain


Hi pavroo

Thanks for your reply and for the welcome to the community  :)


Cytuj z pavroo w January 23, 2013, 18:31

Ctrl + Alt + F1/2/3/4/5/6 should work - I will check again. Just let me know what release ? main 32, main 64 or ultra.

Yesterday I made some trials with SparkyLinux 2.0 "Eris" i386 e17/LXDE.

* If I choose tty1 (Ctrl + Alt + F1) before launching the graphical session, I get the console out of X but when I log in the console (user name and password) I immediately get the default desktop environment (LXDE).

* If I choose tty2 (Ctrl + Alt + F2) or other consoles before launching the graphical session, I get the console and I can work in the console out of X, as usually.

In other words, the issue occurs only (and always) when choosing tty1.

Another issue with SparkyLinux 2.0 "Eris" i386 e17/LXDE:

* in LXDE the "close session" button doesn't work regularly: the LXDE session will be closed, I get the login screen for a couple of seconds and LXDE immediately restarts.

* in Enlightenment and in Openbox there is no issue: if I close the session, I get the login screen and I can click on the shutdown/ reboot button (on the right top).

Today I'll install SparkyLinux 2.1 rc "Eris" Ultra Edition i386, and I'll tell you my basic trials.  ;)

By the way, If the hardware specifications of my PC could be useful for you, I will post them.




A few minutes ago, in the previous post, I forgot a question about using the terminal emulator (LXTerminal) in LXDE or Enlightenment.

If I have to launch as root a graphical software (for example, Leafpad), the command is "su" , "su -" , "sux" or other?



I use only "su" for that.
Czasami lepiej trzymać usta zamknięte i być traktowany jak idiota, niż je otworzyć i rozwiać wszelkie wątpliwości. Mark Twain

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